Inspiration, Ideas, Tips and Strategies, by Always Healthy Mom

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Victory for MOM!!!

Broccoli ...    Yes, I am the mother who serves her children vegetables even though they snub their noses and complain. In the back of my mind I knew there would be a day that one of them would rant and rave about my dinner selections, and even thank me for all the love and thought I put into their meals! Well, that might be an exaggeration, but I was hoping one day my kids would eat their veggies without bribery! Don't we all?

The dinner menu consisted of ( basagna) or lasagna, steamed broccoli, pear slices, cucumbers and a bread stick. To my amazement there was no complaining or crying but instead an empty plate! They ate the broccoli!!!! It was a miracle, it took over 4 1/2 years but I did it, and they liked it! No cheesy goo or threats, they ate it and loved it! So you might be asking, what did I do differently ????? Number one they shopped with me, they helped me pick out the food. Second, they were hungry (no late snacks with decreased appetites)! We had fun at the store and they felt like they were part of the meal!!!

So for all you moms out there who are still scratching your heads and wondering how you will get your kids to eat their veggies, serve them up and don't give up!!! Even if it takes 4 years they will find the ones they like and you will feel good!
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  1. Somehow my 2 are into broccoli... Everytime we're at the grocery store, T begs for it. ???? I'm with ya! It CAN happen!

  2. I love when they like the good stuff!!!
