I love this term ( SOMETIMES FOODS) and I learned it from a kindergarden teacher (a wise one at that). These are foods that we don't eat all the time ( for obvious reasons). These are not foods that are nessisarily good for you. But it's important not to put foods into good and bad categories for children.
Here is how I like to explain it...
We have All the time foods like apples, bananas, carrots, healthy snacks like struing cheese and yogurt, dinner foods like grilled chicken or fish and we have foods that we eat sometimes like...
Fruit Snacks
Ice Cream
Now~ you see what I mean?
We most definitly can't eat these foods all the time, but it's probably unrealistic to say we will never eat them. I do spend most of my time buying fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain breads and lean protiens but when the occasional ( and I mean occassional) Bag of chips makes a mad dash for my pantry I take comfort in knowing, that in moderation my kids can enjoys sometimes foods!
I know I did when I was younger!
**** It's important not to reward kids with SOMETIMES FOODS!
The only thing this does is create dislike for the healthy foods they are encouraged to eat before they get a treat!
Always Healthy Mom
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