Inspiration, Ideas, Tips and Strategies, by Always Healthy Mom

Monday, February 28, 2011

Challenge Monday

Challenge Monday: What are you eating after 7pm?

If you are like many Americans it is high calorie junk food! (Potato chips, Ice Cream, pop, the list goes on)
My challenge for you today is to write down what you are eating after 7pm and then make sure it is Always Healthy Mom Approved!

Tips for Always Healthy Mom approved items:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Low calorie 100-200 cals
  • Healthy lean protein
  • Pre-portioned snacks
  • One serving size ( read the label)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Health on the run!

 It's 8:00 am have you had your breakfast yet?
Have you ever ran out of the house in the morning without breakfast? If you have, you're not alone! So many people are in such a rush, they forget to get the morning started with a healthy meal! Now you can pull it off with this tasty option! At only 160-240 calories you can feel great about this sweet treat! Forget the donuts!I would choose this any day over the endless pancake option or some greasy sausage burrito!

It's a bowl
full of

This is what they say...
Fruit & Maple Oatmeal
We take warm and delicious 100% natural whole-grain oats and combine them with brown sugar and a touch of cream. Then we get fruity, with diced fresh apples, dried cranberries and two kinds of raisins.

Good food on the run!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Challenge Monday: Are you drinking enough water?

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Are drinking enough water? If you're not, your not alone!
It's good to be aware of how much you are drinking and what you are drinking!

Challenge Monday:
Drink eight, 8 oz glasses of water today!

*Tip: Try using a water bottle and track how many times you fill it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Question Friday???????????????????????????????????

Question: When choosing fruits and veggies should I use fresh, frozen or canned?

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Answer: This is a great question! When choosing your fruits and vegetables remember they are all good! Have as many as you can, the more the merrier ! Fresh, frozen or canned can help you get in at least 5 a day! Here are a few tips to remember when making your selections, look for low sodium options and rinse them well. Try to look for light syrup or 100% fruit juice and remember to again rinse well. When choosing frozen option  look for steam fresh with no added sauces. All these options can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight! Enjoy shopping healthy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Caramel Chocolate Peanut Nougat BarCoconut Almond Delight Bar 

These are my new FAVORITE snack bar!
  • Low in sugar 
  •  high in protein 
  •  easy to grab and go
  •  healthy snack

I have been searching for a snack bar for some time! There are too many bars with high sugars, and high fructose corn syrup. Some are loaded with calories and others well lets just say they have too much fiber! More than any girl to handle politely anyway!!! This is the perfect fit for me!

To find these perfect treats look in the protein bar, supplement or diet section of the store! They will not usually be found near the granola bars! Also pay attention to the specific bar, this brand does have meal replacement bars which are higher in calories! This tool will help you stay on track but still ENDULGE!

Here is what they say...
Satisfy Your Sweetest Cravings
Go ahead; satisfy your sweet cravings, bite into the richness of Atkins Endulge bars. They taste just like your favorite candy bars, but there’s only 1 gram of sugar – which means no guilt. Just amazing taste, smart nutrition and another step closer to your goal.

Check out these helpful tools at


Monday, February 14, 2011

Challenge Monday!

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Challenge Monday:
Think about your personal health and wellness.
Did you know that only 10% of your health is due to heredity?
70% of your health is a result of your lifestyle and behaviors!

Think about it:
  • Why are you trying to  improve your health?
  • What do you have to gain?
  • What do you have to lose?
I have been reminded about my health recently with some close friends who have lost loved ones, and also a mother of a small child who lost her battle with cancer! This is very real and even scary to think about!
There is so much I do to promote my health and body, but so little I feel I can control! I exercise regularly, eat healthy, don't smoke, etc., etc. but is this enough? I have come to the realization that I do not, and will not ever know!!! This is why I must continue to do the best I can do, and live the healthiest life I can! I am reminded of what good health feels like after a hard workout or a sprint after one of my children!
Take care of the body and gifts he has given me and continue to inspire others!
Will you take on the challenge?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Q & A with Always Healthy Mom


Question:  I am doing great but having a new little roadblock...alcohol! I don't drink much but I love having a glass of wine (or 2) after dinner occasionally, but I know the calories add up. Any thoughts or suggestions? Do I need to stay away from alcohol completely?

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Answer: Great question! We are stepping into a  tricky territory when we start mixing weight loss and ALCOHOL!!!! Alcohol is not very supportive of weight loss for 2 very important reasons!
  • Extra calories that don't fill you up
  • The food choices we make while drinking alcohol
Because of these two reasons we usually try to avoid alcohol while losing weight! But lets be honest  one
(or 2) glasses  a week will not pile on the pounds!

Many people are more sensitive to small amounts of alcohol while on a lower calorie diet and many people find it hard to limit the amount when they do drink! So the best answer I can share is try to avoid alcohol while focusing on weight loss. A glass a wine can definitely fit into a maintaining zone better! Try not to freak out if you choose to have a glass with your friends on Friday night! Just keep focused and continue on the path to improved health!!!! Good Luck!!!

Do you have a question for Always Healthy Mom? Please go to and contact me today!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This direction is healthy!

 It's dinner time, and you have little time to think of a healthy meal! No need to worry just get the water boiling and prepare a Near East side for a fabulously healthy meal!  This line of products comes in whole grain options and gives you the opportunity to serve your family a healthy whole grain with even the craziest schedule! I personally do not add any olive oil as the directions suggest! So I cut down on the calories, but still enjoy a great meal! My kids go gaga over couscous and rice pilaf!!! With so many flavors and 100% natural with no artificial ingredients or preservatives this get gets first place at my meals! Just add a  healthy side of chicken and side of steamed veggies and you have a super mom meal in no time flat! In about 5-20 minutes flat you can feed your family and smile!

( I wanted to include pictures of the boxes but was unable to apply them from the website)
 Please look in your local pasta and rice aisle for this fabulous brad and enjoy your healthy dinner! Check them out at and enjoy!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Challenge Monday!

Go to fullsize image  Your challenge today is to have at least 3 servings of vegetables or fruits at dinner! It is important to fill up on high volume, low calorie meals. How many do you typically have?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You go Amy!!!

AmysThis is my favorite yummy lunch treat! Pizza without the guilt! You can get these treats in the organic freezer section! This kid favorite is created into an adult package with whole grains and organic ingredients! At 280 calories you can feel like the superwoman you are! If you are busy and always wondering what can I have for lunch, look no further!Pair this yummy pocket of nutrition with a fabulous salad and you are set! Amy's has so many other healthy options as well, check them out at I find these are yummy quick alternatives to take out food and sooooo much better! Tell me what you think on my facebook page Always Healthy Mom!!!!!