Inspiration, Ideas, Tips and Strategies, by Always Healthy Mom

Monday, November 28, 2011

Less stress?

Women often feel the most pressure to plan, shop, cook, decorate and coordinate the seasonal festivities. We try to do too much, for too many friends and family, in too little time. There are good health reasons to avoid holiday stress. This season holiday stress doesn’t have to be part of your holidays. Taking positive actions now to plan the upcoming season will increase the enjoyment of a beautiful time of year. Here are some things to keep in mind…
·         Start planning early
·         Determine who will help, and delegate
·         Cook ahead
·         Limit the events you attend
·         Decorate gradually
·         Shop early and off times
·         Don’t forget your workout or “me time”
·         Get enough sleep
·         Eat health balanced meals
·         Enjoy!

As a busy mom with 3 little ones and a fulltime job I can sympathize with the stressed out mommy! The holidays are jam packed with “to do’s” and not enough fun! This year I have made a promise to myself to slow down, smell the gingerbread  and enjoy the holiday  with my family! How do you plan to enjoy this holiday with your family?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thoughts from me...

Childhood obesity not only effects the work I do everyday as a Registered Nurse and Health Educator but it also a plays a role in my personal life as well. As a mom of 3 young children and I experience the struggles and obstacles first hand when trying to raise a health family and live a healthy lifestyle today. The fact is that our lives today are more hectic and over committed than ever before. But that is why this topic is so critical; we need to find solutions and answers to the obesity epidemic.
I want to take a moment and share with you why I continue to do the work I do everyday. Not too long ago I was asked to help a local news anchor with a story on childhood obesity. We went to a local middle school to interview staff and students. When we were there I had the opportunity to talk with a young boy, we discussed the fact that diabetes ran in his family. His grandfather, him mother and uncle all had it. The one message that I left with him that day it that only 10% of his health was due to his heredity and 70% was due to his lifestyle and healthy behaviors. That 70 % is why I am standing here today! That 70% is his health future!
It is no surprise that 1 in 3 children today are considered overweight or obese. But what is interesting is the fact that these statistics have tripled in the last 30 years. These staggering statistics are what have brought us and many others together. First we must understand that childhood obesity is the result of a calorie imbalance. Too few calories expended for the amount consumed. This is affected by various genetic, behavioral and environmental factors.
So why is the topic of childhood obesity important?
There are immediate health consequences we are seeing in our children today that were one exclusively known only to adults. Such as sleep apnea, joint problems, high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, diabetes and social and psychological problems as well.
Not only are we concerned about the immediate health consequence but we also see there is long term affects as well. Increased adult obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart failure, heart disease, liver and gallbladder disease the list goes on and on!

So what needs to be done? And what can we do?
We need to look closely at the environmental and behavioral factors that are unsupportive to our children’s health today. We need to call on schools, families, medical providers, communities, food and beverage industries and government leaders for support!

I am 100 % confident that it will take the support of our entire community to raise a healthy child today, but I believe it can be done.
We need to educate and create awareness. We need to give children access to healthy foods. This is a process that will not happen over night. But together we can make an impact in our children’s health future!
One last thought I want to leave you with today is one that is sometimes hard to swallow. You alone are your child’s most important health role model. So make each day the healthiest one you can, by setting a good example. So start eating your veggies, go outside and play, don’t forget your lunch and please get some sleep!
Always Healthy Mom

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday Stress!

Holiday Stress

The clock is ticking and the holidays are nearing fast! If you are like me you are starting to get anxious about all the extra commitments and things that need to get done. Remember as moms we try to take on everything, and most often find we have over committed, yet again! This is the cause of most of our stress! Try to remember that to have a great holiday you don't have to be SUPER woman. We need to learn how to delegate and only take on what is truly important! Instead of stressing over old traditions try to make your own! Trust me kids don't want to be in the car for hours at a time, or dressed in their best for the 2 million holiday pictures, they don;'t even like most of the dishes at the holiday party! So try to decrease the holiday stress with these simple ideas!

  1. Choose to have the holiday at your house to decrease travel time, and the panic of packing. Delegate others to help, by bringing a dish to the party so your not overwhelmed.
  2. Let the kids bring a change of clothes to the party so after the picture. They can change into something more comfortable.
  3. Make familiar favorites for your family. Don't stress over new recipes or fancy unfamiliar ingredients. Make sure the kids have a dish or two they can enjoy. Lighten up when it comes to the kids enjoying their sweets, remember it's their holiday too!
  4. Let your family help prepare for the holidays by decorating or cleaning.
  5. Limit the gift giving. You don't have to give a gift to everyone! Try to simplify gifts by giving the same gift to multiple people or using gift cards.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A United Front

When it comes to my family's eating habits sometimes I feel like I am in a league of my own! I bring home the veggies while my husband woos the kids with buttered noodles, pop and twizzlers! (SIGH) I can't be the only one this has happened to, am I? It's no wonder my kids have nominated me for  the "worst mom ever" award when it comes to dinnertime at my house. When the other option is high carb, salty, processed food prepared by DAD! Of course my healthy style will get voted down every time!
 *A family needes to be  playing for the same team when it comes to a  healthy lifestyle and raising healthy children! 

Here are some ideas to help your family get on the same page...
  • Discuss together the goals of dinner time
  • Work together on shopping list and menu for the family
  • Share dinner time tasks with the entire family
  • Set expectations before the meal begins
  • Make sure dinnertime is enjoyable
  • Make room for special occasions like pizza, and take out
  • Keep regular healthy habits (ex. fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins)
  • Set expectations of frequency of family meals
Please share your ideas of raisning a healthy family on facebook!

Friday, November 11, 2011


" Veggiecating" Toledo
Veggiecation: For the Love of Vegetables <3

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to participate in a healthy and positive event for the youth in my area! I partnered with Veggiecation to offer the children a health new way to eat Broccoli and was able to share my passion for children's health at the same time! The feedback from the event was amazing! E-mails pouring in to share the recipe for Mini Broccoli Trees with Asian sauce. The kids were able to sample, vote, and learn about healthy eating! I am was blown away at the number of children who sampled the demo and "Loved It"! I think many parents were pleasantly surprised too! Veggiecation gave me the tools to share my passion with my community, with hands on activities geared toward children and the use of positive peer pressure! (This was new to me!) Having done many events in the past ,by far this is the one was most memorable with the help of veggiecation! If you or community are looking for a way to introduce healthy eating, look  no further! The answer lies in the Veggication program!
Support in...
 Visual( posters, pictures, activities)
Tools (recipe books, stickers, voting ballets and much more)
You will have a successful experience, I guarantee it!

 As a Health Educator and Nurse I am constantly looking for support on how to teach children about healthy foods!

Monday, November 7, 2011


 MOMMYvation- is the driving force by which MOMS achieve their goals. The term is generally used for MOMS who seek positive results. This article refers to MOMMYvation. Specifically the motivation moms use to produce the results they want. Example- flat stomach, six pack, sexy butt, avoiding mom pouch, firm arms and thighs, bikini body and overall fit appearance after giving birth to one or multiple little bundles of joy! (Don't act like you have no idea what I am talking about!) According to various theories, MOMMYvation may be rooted in a basic need to maximize results or fit back into skinny jeans.

OK on a more serious note I recently had to dig deep within for my MOMMYvation! Due to the hectic schedule of 2 boys in soccer and a few last minute commitments, my workout routine was as dead as its ever been! Now I could write here week after week and tell you I was jogging every morning and training for a marathon... but I would be most definitely lying to you all! And I am a MOM of my word. So Always Healthy Mom had to get her butt in gear! My weekly class was just not fitting into my hectic schedule anymore, I could give up! But that is definitely not what I would encourage you to do! So I am proud to say that I have started a new and improved workout routine one that does not involve me leaving the house, which cuts down on excuses on my end. I have found a great 20 min workout video and can do it 4x per week! I am really excited, they kids can be playing in the same room as I tone up! SCORE!
Don't give give up!
Dig deep for your MOMMYvation and make your goals a reality!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Healthy Press Release

Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps are Presented as Among the Best
“Healthy Snacks for Kids and Adults” by Leading Physicians & Health Educators

Brothers-All-Natural has been chosen by many health experts as an excellent packaged snack
product that is healthy for all stages of development from toddlers to adults.

Rochester, N.Y.  – September 21, 2011 – Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps have the distinction of being deemed among the “best healthy snacks for kids and adults” by leading health experts. For instance, from the great states of Texas and Missouri comes Dr. Julia Kinder bringing Fruit Crisps with her as she presents solutions for living healthy to diverse audiences across the country. While from the Great Lakes region of Ohio comes Registered Nurse, health educator, and Mom blogger Michelle Rowe, singing praises for Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps in multiple interviews regarding packing a healthy lunch for your kids.

As an all-natural product, Brothers-All-Natural 100% fruit snacks contain two servings of fruit in the popular ½-cup bag, per the US Department of Agriculture. With nothing added to the fruit – no sugars, preservatives, or flavor enhancers – Brothers-All-Natural simply uses the best fruit in the world. Freeze-dried fruit is shelf stable, making it convenient and accessible.  Because over  90% of the water is removed, the fruit becomes crispy and crunchy.

Dr. Julia Kinder is a published author, practicing Physician, and traveling health educator, who has three little ones at home, including a daughter with special needs. “As a Family Practice Physician specializing in healthy lifestyles and fitness, I encourage my patients to select healthy snacks during the day to increase energy, improve mood, aid in weight loss, and to ensure proper nutrition,” said Dr. Kinder. “Healthy snacking can even ward off boredom and increase creativity and productivity; it is a crucial element to living each day to the fullest. The primary snack I recommend is Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps; it has all the benefits of fresh fruit because this freeze-dried fruit has no added sugars or preservatives. Plus, Fruit Crisps are convenient and affordable. And most importantly to my children, Fruit Crisps are fun to eat!”

Additionally, Michelle Rowe, who is a Registered Nurse and a leading health educator, is appearing on ABC Channel 13 in Toledo, OH to talk about healthy eating.  Ms. Rowe, would describe herself as the “Always Healthy Mom” which is also the title of her blog. To Ms. Rowe, her kids come first and their health is foremost in her mind.

“I’m not going to recommend that someone give their child something and then turn around and deny my child that same item,” said Michelle Rowe. “When I appear as a health educator, I’m still a mom too, and so that maternal passion spills out in the form of recommendations that are healthy and affordable like Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps. Why give a child junk food when you can give them something good for their bodies that costs about the same price? It’s fun, it’s easy, and your kids will love it too!."

Dr. Julia Kinder and Michelle Rowe believe in health education and will continue to spread the word about Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crisps to audiences across the country.  They both do not believe it’s ethical to solicit medical recommendations for a price, as it’s all about health and wellness and has nothing to do with remuneration in their eyes. As health educators and mothers they feel it is important to give practical solutions to living healthy in the here and now. Dr. Julia Kinder can be reached via her website at and Michelle Rowe can be reached through her website at To contact Brothers-All-Natural, please go to our  Facebook page at