Cherry Republic
OK, by now you know I love my fruits and vegetables ( or at least I hope you do)! When vacationing at my favorite spot Up North you can usually find me frequenting this little quaint piece of heaven!
WARNING: Some of these images contain foods that are not all entirely healthy for you
but are sure good! So enjoy within moderation!
A bushel of background on this little fruit:
The cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy stone fruit. The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species, including especially cultivars of the wild cherry, Prunus avium.
The name 'cherry', often as the compound term 'cherry tree', may also be applied to many other members of the genus Prunus, or to all members of the genus as a collective term. The fruits of many of these are not cherries, and have other common names, including plum, apricot, peach, and others. The name 'cherry' is also frequently used in reference to cherry blossom.
Cherry Jelly, Jam, Preserve and Cherry peanut butter!?!
My personal favorite cherry cookies!!!
( of course in moderation,
if there is such a thing when it comes to my favorite cookies)!
Cherry Salsa!
Granola and Crunch!
Yes, There is more, trust me!
Chocolate covered cherries, and cherry candy!
And more Cherry candy!
And cherry nut mixes!
And more cherry candy!
At this point you are thinking SERIOUSLY?
Yes I am ,and yes there is more!
Cherry party mix!Cherry Coffee!
Wine, pop and more!
Cherry cheese?!? Sure why not?
And cherry activities!
And a cute boy drinking a cherry lemonade!
I prefer the cherry tea myself!
Cherry soda shop next to the winery!
And a nice cherry red umbrella!
Think I'm kidding?
I'm Not!
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